Welcome Back Sustainable Garden!

September has been a busy month with harvesting, weeding and planting a few cold weather seeds. Here are pictures and stories from this month:

Green beans were still growing in September. We harvested a handful several times.
This fall, the large zucchini plant hid several zucchini that were found and harvested. Two are still growing!
While looking for peppers, an insect became the object of study.
Pepper plants provided several peppers.
Tiny red tomatoes (shown here) and larger green tomatoes (no photo) are growing in the garden.
One lone eggplant grew and was harvested.
When we harvested the tiny finger-sized potatoes, everyone who had sustainable science that day was able to pull a potato out of the dirt. These were cooked and tasted in class!
Each child harvested several growing items that were used back in the classroom.
