A Sleeping Garden

Today the Children’s House students helped to “put the garden to sleep” for the winter. I’m amazed at what can be accomplished with 3, 4 and 5 year old children and 30 minutes of time!!!!

In three of the eight square foot gardens, the children and I pulled the dead plants (zinnia, marigold, tomato, and pepper) are put them on the compost pile. We then turned the soil in the square foot garden (while looking for insects) and planted winter wheat as a weed deterrent. I don’t know if the winter wheat will grow well or not, but we are experimenting.
  • Serendipitous Finds: Worms, sow bugs, spiders, mushrooms, millipedes and deer footprints.
  • Joys of the Day: Children harvesting - one radish per class; carrying dried and dead plants together; digging and finding live critters; walking around the garden and delighting in discoveries; collaborating in removing a tomato plant from the tomato frame; gathering leaves to layer with the compost. We still need to do some work on the other five squares. If the weather holds for next week, Lower Elementary Children will have their turn gardening.
  • Schedule Note: Lower El children are exploring the stream, and finding the headwaters and various tributaries in Pine Woods.
~ Dottie Baumgarten, Science Specialist
Otherwise known as, as one child suggested with great anticipation, "Let's go to Mrs Baum's garden!"
