- Top layer of compost- food scraps
Today we were able to turn the compost. TMS has four compost bins, two at each end of the school - near the toddler section and also beside the sustainable garden. When one enclosed compost bin is full, the other compost bin can be used. This allows one bin to mature without daily additions. We alternate which compost bin is being used, thus providing more time for the compost to mature. With children’s house and lower elementary students, we took the top and middle layer of the “bee hive” shaped compost bin off, and worked with the bottom layer of compost.
The rich compost was sifted, which allowed for the smaller sized, nutrient rich compost to be collected. The larger sized pieces of compost were returned to the compost bin for more time to decompose.
The sifted, rich compost was mixed in with the sustainable garden soil. We removed the salt hay that protected the soil during the winter, added the compost, and placed the salt hay back on the garden.
The weather is now so warm that next week we can experiment with planting lettuces and early season crops. We will plant when we have a Thursday without rain!
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