Whew! Are you ready for some sunshine? With the rain today, Sustainable Science was inside (with one quick exception).
Lower Elementary focused on compost and learned that we compost plants. So we now know that apple cores, banana peels, and even coffee grounds can go to the compost bin. There is one exception to the “plant” rule: we compost eggshells because they add calcium to the compost.
After the compost lesson, Lower Elementary selected from different garden stations. For garden preservation, we crushed dried mint leaves, picked red basil leaves from our garden to dry and shredded zucchini to freeze. We compared and contrasted two similar but different apples, eggplants, tomatoes, onions, and even pawpaw seeds. Some were from school, some from my home garden, and some were purchased. We also spied a garden slug.
The young students from the Children’s House focused in on vegetables and fruit. They sharpened their observation skills by comparing and contrasting similar vegetables and fruit (listed above). For example, the apples are the same because they are red, but they are different because one is larger. We totally enjoyed watching the slug and played a game of stretching and shrinking like a slug does. Don’t forget the two fingers that pretend to be antennae!
Under a bit of sunshine, some of the Children’s House students were able to visit the garden where they saw radishes and lettuce leaves! We might be able to harvest some of the lettuce next week. We pulled all of the onions. Earlier in the day, I had harvested all of the red basil, a dozen or so tiny tomatoes, one egg plant, a few onions and four green peppers.
We will look for sunshine again next Thursday!
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