One Huge Zucchini

We were not in the garden last week because of the weather. This week, we were able to harvest early, before the misty rain dominated the day.

The Delights of Today
In the garden today, there are two zucchinis, one huge and one large, a dozen tomatoes for human consumption, a dozen tomatoes eaten by an animal or two, zinnia and marigold flowers in abundance and newly planted radish sprouts. The zucchini will be in several recipes in the classrooms during this year. It will be preserved for winter use later. Last year we made delicious zucchini bread from shredded and frozen TMS zucchini.

Next week we have hopes for more harvest! There are a dozen green tomatoes growing, a dozen green peppers, two small zucchini, and some herbs. We shall see if the parsnip, Swiss chard, and carrots follow the radish's lead by growing from the seeds planted this fall. These cold weather crops could be growing into November, if the weather stays warm enough.

Want to Help?
TMS parents and friends who would like to help in the garden can let the Parent Network know of their volunteer interest. The Sustainable Garden email list will keep parent helpers aware of the garden needs.

Happy Gardening!
Dottie Baumgarten
