Planting Peas, Lettuce & Spinach

During the week of March 8, we planted peas, lettuce and spinach directly into the TMS garden. I hope they survive the expected snow! The seeds that the students started in pots (Children's House and Lower El) are under the care of Phil Baumgarten.

Here are some pictures of the plants growing inside under lights:

The grow lights in our basement can be lowered and raised, and the lights can be on 18 hours a day.

I'm "playing" with winter wheat. Not sure how we are going to use these, but I wanted to experiment.

You see a mixture of the pots we used: some are newspaper made, and some are purchased. We started lettuce, spinach, and tomato seeds. This was March 6th or so.

Here they are March 18th or so. When we get back to school after spring break, we should be able to transplant these to our TMS garden.

~ Dottie Baumgarten, Sustainable Science
