Sunny & Warm Weather Invited Us To Explore!

Children’s House students noticed the small but growing lettuce and radishes, but had to wait to pick them. We were able to pick a tomato or two, a green pepper or two, a marigold or two, and a few leaves of herbs from the herb garden. Our garden visitors then were able to dig in the “extra” pile of compost to look for worms and other crawling critters. This pile of decaying acorns, leaves, and garden waste is layered with food scraps in the compost bin.

Lower El went on a walk to “find” the stream. Did you know that the rain that falls on The Montessori School property flows across the gravel and grass, down the hill, then down onto the woods path and to the stream? We found a ditch that directs the flow of water to the stream. We "discovered" the direction of the stream, and a place where two small steams join to make the one familiar stream. As soon as the weather is good on a Thursday, Lower El will explore the headwaters of this stream. I wonder what we will find?
