Gardening When You Must Be Indoors

What do you do with children when gardening must be indoors? The options are endless! This year, my focus has been on soil. 

One week we explored different types of soil: clay, sand and loam. Which one will support vegetable growth best? 

Another indoor week, we brought in multiple versions of soil and created garden soil in our raised beds, leaf litter and loam from the woods, TMS developing compost, and plants that will be added to the compost bin.

What observations can you make? Feel? Insects? Differences?

What can be found in wood leaf litter that might not be in garden soil?

Make your best observations of the dead flowers: Can you find the stamen and pistil? What does the stem look like if you split it the long way?

Use your hand lens and draw what you see in your field of view.

When given the opportunity, each student discovers new information for themselves.

Shared exploration, and discussion of what is found increases discovery.
