The Montessori School Garden: Early September

Welcome to the Montessori School Garden in early September!

We came back to school and discovered a plethora of volunteer vines, some growing dozens of gourds. Other vines were growing a few cantaloupes and one or two pumpkins.

The children took some time considering that the vines, which take up a lot of space, were essential for the gourds that were hidden in the middle of the growing leaves.

What a wonder to be able to use this garden resource in class! We used the harlequin beetles as a start to our insect study in Lower Elementary. I supplemented our tomato and bean harvest with tomatoes and beans from my husband's home garden, and each child in Children's House and Lower Elementary was able to eat a tomato and green bean, if they wanted to.

Look for the next blog on what is growing now!
Can you find the gourd?

Here is one of the pumpkins, but not the largest.

Marigolds survived very well during the hot summer.

Green beans seemed to have produced well during the summer, and we still could harvest.

The wonderful strawberries from the spring were gone! Can we save some hidden by the weeds?

Cherry tomatoes are still growing!

A few sunflowers provided seeds for the birds. No zinnias survived!

The green plants look great from a distance, but you don't see the harlequin beetles eating everything up!

Cantaloupe! Surprise! We had three to eat in Aftercare.
