The Health of Pine Run Creek

Upper Elementary students studied the health of Pine Run Creek. Last year, we tested the chemistry health of the creek. This year we looked at macro-invertebrates. 

At two points on the creek we saw caddis fly larva, but I did not get a photo. These insects thrive in healthy water. 

Here are notes from our studies:
We found a couple of healthy salamanders. We found a gilled salamander (no photo) which was particularly cool!

A component of our studies always includes recording what we are finding.

Magnifiers assist us in looking at macro-invertebrates.

Can you see the spider?

Two of the worms were intertwined.

Planaria are an interesting flat worm. These survive in unhealthy water as well as clean water.

Our studies were at three different sections of the creek. We can document what we are finding, and compare our data from one year to the next.
