The Montessori School Sustainable Science, small stories

There are many times when "it all comes together" as we garden and explore Sustainable Science. One of these times was when the flowers from the garden could be given to the front office for use. Children's House students and I gave flowers to Mrs. Khetarpal.

One of the stories of the 2018 school year was an opportunity for creative acting as we studied the inter-tidal zone of the seashore. The tide comes, in the tide goes out, and depending on whether there is water above the land or not, the animals and plants respond differently. So the children could be airborne animals, land animals, or sea creatures, all with different behaviors in the inter-tidal zone.

Children's House classes each participated in planting and watching an amaryllis grow in their classroom, thanks to Mr. Baumgarten who nurtures them the rest of the year. The daily changes to the growing bulb can be fascinating.

One of the examples of cross class interaction is a project by Upper El. Students in Upper El completed an experiment with growing plants from seed in different conditions, and the resulting plants were transplanted to the vegetable garden both by Upper El students and by children's house students. Some of these plants will grow into fall of 2018! Look for tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant!

Every child should experience flowers pouring out of the sky onto them! The fragrant tree by the vegetable garden is so full of flowers that, caught in the right season, petals can "rain" down over the children.
