We Have A Rabbit!

We have a rabbit! Or perhaps we have a squirrel, or perhaps a couple of birds. The evidence is eaten vegetables. The radishes are eaten down to the nub. No leaves are evident at all, but when the soil is turned to look underground, there are tiny radish roots present. The lettuce is nibbled on. The peas are mostly eaten, but some leaves are present. The most telling observation is a depression in the dirt right on top of the radish plants. It looks like a great nighttime nest for an animal...likely a rabbit. So, we will need to cover the holes in the fence so no rabbit can enter. And we could apply a safe product at the perimeter of the fence that will repel animals.

The plants that are growing include: one bean plant, one marigold, multiple onions, and multiple herbs.

Today we transplanted oregano and parsley herbs. We also transplanted a dozen marigold plants. Six were planted right over the rabbit “nest” with the hope that this will deter the rabbit. We also planted 4 tomato plants 3 pepper plants and 2 eggplants.

All the plants needed water. The Swiss chard is not germinating, perhaps because of a lack of steady water. If they do not germinate by next week, perhaps some plants will be transplanted. We also weeded the garden beds that have vegetables growing.
  • Short term plans: Weekly watering of the garden. Weekly weeding. Deter rabbits from entering the garden with a barrier placed around the fence. Deter rabbits with a safe (vegetable/child safe) product at the fence-line. Consider transplanting a few more plants- at least one zucchini plant. Set up tomato cages.
  • Long term plans: Replace/ improve gate. Plan for summer garden use with Joan. Sure up responsibility for the garden the last 2 weeks of August. Consider the fall use of the garden: Which current plants will be fall harvest (carrots, red beets, swiss chard, onions, herbs, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes)? Which plants can be added in September for a fall crop (lettuce, radish, broccoli)?
Note for Monday, May 16: The rain over the weekend, and today's, is very welcome. No extra watering needed this week!  :-)
